Friday, November 02, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Weeks after I sent few Harsh! copies to Heron Preston, at 5:00 in the morning Sofian local time, I heard about the www.heronpreston.com article discusing our CCTV Collective magazine by mspace message from him personaly. When I checked his blog found that -

" ...I love to live, nothing compares, and I think my love for the life is what has made HeronPreston.com what it is today. Sharing my lifestyle with world, inspiring the world. So Tomek, congrats on the launch of your new magazine and venture! Must be super exciting. I wish I could speak more in depth about what’s going on in the zine, but I cant read anything, lol. But what I can speak about from the photos I see is that HARSH is more than just a magazine from Bulgaria. It’s an international look into young lifestyles from Asia to Europe to the Americas which is something I am very fascinated in. Lifestyle’s are one of the biggest reasons I love to travel. Tomek, lets make up an excuse for me to fly out to Bulgaria. Maybe a CCTV x Heron Preston party / HARSH! collab / ideas are endless. I want to see what’s good out there."

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket




*use Windows e-net explorer for best picture view